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Exosite ESH Protocol Definitions

The Exosite smart home (esh) protocol definitions define different device types and semantic for values types.

Name Example Description
class 0 0: HouseHold Devices (家庭電器)
device_id 'F' Describes the type of device. This will also enable/disable different command sets per device. 0: General (通用) 1: AC (冷氣機) 2: Fridge (冰箱) 3: Washing Machine (洗衣機) 4: Dehumidifier (除濕機) 5: TV (電視機) 6: Dryer (烘衣機) 7: Water Boiler (熱泵熱水器) 8: Air Purifier (空氣清淨機) 9: Rice Cooker (電子鍋) A: Water dispenser (開飲機) B: Electric Stove (電磁爐) C: Dish Dryer (烘碗機) D: Microwave (微波爐) E: Total heat exchanger (全熱交換器) F: Fan (電扇)
fields ["H00"] Fields are defined per device family. Each device_id family has a different set of definitions.
esh_version "4.00" The current version of the ESH protocol, the current version is "4.00"
brand "Company" The name of the device offering company.
model "AX4200" The name of this product model.

ESH Table with a designated device_id

A systematic table needs to be constructed for information exchange. You should have the exact conversion table in the firmware. The firmware and the app communicates through the definition of this table. Below shows an example of device id = F (fan). You can create one that meet your needs. If your device uses SAA, it is advised to follow the table defined in the SAANet protocol.

Field Name Value Range R/W Description
H00 0: Off 1: On R+W On/Off
H01 0: Mode 0 1: Mode 1 2: Mode 2 3: Mode 3 ... R+W Fan Mode
H02 0: Automatic Speed 1-24: Speed level R+W Fan Speed 1 - Low speed, 24 - Maximum speed
H03 Min: -128 Max: 127 R Indoor Temperature Celsius
H04 Min: 0 Max: 1440 R+W Sleep Timer (countdown) in minutes
H05 0: Off 1: On R+W Fan Rotation
H06 0: Off 1: On R+W Ion
H07 0: Off 1: On R+W Light
H08 Min: 0 Max: 99 R Indoor Humidity in %
H09 Min: 0 Max: 2359 R+W Timer on This specifies the time of the day on which the fan should enable itself. The time encoded as decimal. E.g. 0100 means 1am 1330 means 1:30pm and so on
H0A Min: 0 Max: 2359 R+W Timer off This specifies the time of the day on which the fan should disable itself. The time encoded as decimal.
H0B Min: 0 Max: 1440 R+W Countdown timer on Number of minutes before the fan enables itself
H0C Min: 0 Max: 1440 R+W Countdown timer off Number of minutes before the fan disables itself
H0D Min: 0 Max: 2359 R+W System time
H0E Min: 0 Max: 1440 R Current in 0.1 Amp units
H0F Min: 0 Max: 1440 R Voltage in V
H10 Min: 0 Max: 1440 R Power factor
H11 Min: 0 Max: 1440 R Power in W
H12 Min: 0 Max: 1440 R kwh in 0.1 kWh units

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