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Configuring Your Mobile App Pages

To best suit your customer and product needs, we provide a variety of home dashboard page templates to customize your mobile app layout and user experience.


Currently there are eight different app styles supported:

Style Style Term
Popit List popit-list
Popit List with Image single-accordion
Large List large-list
Medium List medium-list
Small List small-list
Large Grid large-grid
Medium Grid medium-grid
Small Grid small-grid

Popit List

Popit List is the default style of ExoHome mobile app. In this template, each device is displayed in a "popit" container which can be customized to show popular device controls with an expanding behavior to reveal more settings.

Popit List with Image

This template is similar to Popit List with an additional model thumbnail image shown inside the popit container. You can define the model image from admin.

List And Grid

If you would like to support a device detail page, which can be opened by tapping on a device from the home dashboard, a variety of list and grid layouts of different sizes are provided. Choosing a list or grid style will automatically include the device detail page in your app.

Large List

Medium List

Small List

Large Grid

Medium Grid

Small Grid

Changing style

Open src/app/app.config.ts and modify your "HomePage" tag target value to the style term you want. Example of changing the app style to "PopitListPage".

Please make sure to use the proper style term name.

Style Style Term
Popit List popit-list
Popit List with Image single-accordion
Large List large-list
Medium List medium-list
Small List small-list
Large Grid large-grid
Medium Grid medium-grid
Small Grid small-grid

Thumbnail and Banner

"Thumbnail image" and "Banner image" are two UI elements for some page templates. Thumbnail will be shown on the Home Dashboard and banner will be shown in the Device Detail Page.



Both of them are defined in the information model and downloaded from the cloud. When there is no network connection and app can't download the images from the cloud, app will show the placeholder image until the images are downloaded. The default placeholder image is grey background.

The placeholder images are under the src/assets/img/ folder. If you want to use your own placeholder images, you can replace the corresponding files. Both name and type of thumbnail and banner image files should be exactly the same as below.

  • Thumbnail: model_image_thumbnail.png
  • Banner: model_image_banner_placeholder.png


  • Thumbnail images should be in a square resolution of at least 240 x 240 px, in PNG, JPG or GIF format with a transparent background and under 2MB.
  • Banner images should be at least 750 px wide by 240 px tall, in PNG, JPG or GIF format and under 2MB.

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