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Build Android App

Before we start the build App process, please make sure you have the following settings ready:


It is highly recommended that you build Android and iOS App in seperate project folders.

Preparing a release Android APP bundle

The Android App Bundle is Android's new, official publishing format. Follow these steps to prepare a release APP Bundle for the Google Play Store.


  1. Open your terminal and cd to the project root.

    cd hamv_mobile
  2. Generate a release keystore.

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore <keystoreName>.keystore -alias <keystoreAlias> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity <keystoreValidityTime> 


    keystoreName can be any words. e.g., release

    keystoreAlias is similar to keystoreName

    keystoreValidityTime is validity number of days. e.g., 365

  3. (Optional) Generate a key hash for Facebook Login.

    keytool -exportcert -alias <keystoreAlias> -keystore <keystoreName>.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
  4. (Optional) Put your release key hash to Facebook developer:

    • Go to Facebook for Developers website
    • Select your app
    • Go to the page Settings/Basic<your APP Id>/settings/
    • Find the block "Android"
    • Put the key hash that you just generated into the field "Key Hashes"
    • Click "Save Changes"
  5. Prepare a production release config.

    • Copy and paste your release.keystore file to <project_root>/keystores folder.
    • Go back to <project_root> folder and open build.json.
    • Add the release information block to android scope. Edit storePassword, alias and password values.

    Here is an example of a build configuration file:

        "android": {
            "debug": {
                "keystore": "./keystores/debug.keystore",
                "storePassword": "android",
                "alias": "androiddebugkey",
                "password" : "android",
                "keystoreType": ""
            "release": {
                "keystore": "./keystores/release.keystore",
                "storePassword": "<release_keystore_password>",
                "alias": "<keystoreAlias>",
                "password" : "<release_password>",
                "keystoreType": ""
  6. Build Docker image.

    docker-compose build
  7. Start a Docker container based on the built image.

    docker-compose run app sh
  8. The default build setting is to create .aab file. If your need to build .apk file for testing, please modify file under project root > customer folder. Remove the # from npx ionic cordova build android --prod and change the next line to #npx ionic cordova build android --prod --release as below example.

  9. Execute the following commands to install build environment dependencies under /work $

  10. You should be able to see the “BUILD SUCCESSFUL” message.


    If the build failed, please remove the build materials by using this command in Docker container (under /work $) and repeat step 8 again.

    rm -rf node_modules/ plugins/ platforms/ .angular/

  11. After building process is done, you can find your android-release.aab under <project_root>/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release folder. Or android-release.apk under <project_root>/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug > apk folder.

Now you have your final release binary and you can release this to Google Play Store. See next chapter to publish your app on Google Play Store.

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Last update: July 7, 2023